Thursday, August 2

Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Today, I made the cookie dough cupcakes. Why did i choose to make these? Because when Boof and I made them at her house, duh! they were good. So I made them again! I have also learned from making these that if you use store bought cookie dough for the frosting, and try to put it in a bag, the chocolate chips will get stuck in the tip! So, my second option...a butter knife. Also, in the making of these precious cupcakes, when we tried one, the cookie dough had began to cook. I'm not sure what went wrong, but at least they tasted good. Next time I make these i will definitely lower the temperature. Also, since i had no heavy whipping cream i just used cool whip (thanks to Boof). I would also like to thank my helper, sheepsangwich, Kiara, for helping me on some of this. I mean even thought my half of the cupcakes were better, its all good. haha.


How To Eat A Cupcake said...

did u use the box of pudding in the cake mix???? that might be what went wrong. the pudding is there to make the cake mix thicker so the cookie dough wont sink!!

haha sheep sangwich, she's great!

<3333333333 they look goood.... oh yeah i would've told u about the cookie dough getting stuck in the tip, but i thought it was common sense! BABAHHAHA! <333

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

also.... try to venture away from using store bought stuff... like make your own whipped cream and cookie dough for the frosting. i think it really tastes better, because you put LOVE into it :)

<3333333 boof + boof = lezb14nz 4evr!